Why are some of my claims missing?!
If you expect to see a claim on the widget but it isn’t there, you may have a filter applied. There are two places to check for a filter:
Navigation wizard on the top
If you choose to filter by engine family, model or ESN it will filter your warranty widget to only shows claims that meet the criteria. Make sure that the Family and Model is set as “ALL”.
Pay special attention to the ESNs that you may have selected. To remove these simply click on the ‘x’ next to each ESN.
Warranty widget filters
Each widget has its own set of filters. Filtering or clearing the filter of one widget will not clear the filters in the other widgets.
a. Claim Status filter
At warranty widget the claims can be filtered based on the claim status. Setting the preference as ALL would display the entire claims created.
b. Claim criteria filter
The claim criteria can be modified by simply navigating over below the funnel icon or by selecting the gear icon
From gear icon drop down, select the SETTINGS option from the list.
Warranty Settings dialog box appears as below, set the preference based on the requirements.
Save the changes by clicking SAVE button.
Good to Know!
1. Warranty claims are processed by a GE Warranty Admin. You can get in touch with the admin for the claim related queries.
2. To report warranty widget issue use Inquiry widget to open a case:
a. Select Inquiry button, then Site Support
b. Select Application Issue
c. Complete the form indicating that you need Warranty Support.