How can I use EWA to optimize my wash program?
EWA does not provide prescriptive advice on how to optimize a wash program. It simply provides metrics on recent and historical wash performance results. Wash frequency, equipment, adherence to wash execution recommendations, engine operational environment, etc. all have varying impacts on overall engine performance and durability. Customer CTQ’s such as fuel savings, emissions reduction, Time on Wing, maintenance costs, operational burdens/costs, etc. are all outcomes of a customer’s wash program decisions. CFM International provides recommendations on wash frequencies and procedures based on historical experience, for an engine model and region. EWA, therefore, can be used to observe actual wash frequency, performance recoveries, and performance deterioration to aid discussions on whether current practices are exhibiting desired performance results, or not. The metrics on the Home scorecard help visually guide the user to potential areas of focus for a customer’s program (wash frequency and/or effectiveness).